Time Management Mastery for ADHD Moms

***including moms who suspect they have ADHD, but aren’t totally sure.

It’s time to stop drowning in overwhelm & chaos.

When you know how your ADHD brain works, you can get stuff done and feel good about your day…
and yourself.

even if that negative narrator in your mind says you can’t.

Do you wish there was a way to feel like you're not failing at life and motherhood every day?

I know what it feels like to run around all day like a headless chicken, stressed because you're late to everything. 

When you finally sit down after the kids are in bed, you think about how you didn't get anything done. Somehow your to-do list is longer than when you started out this morning.

Instead of noticing what you did well, you replay all the snarky comments you made to your partner (and vice versa,) the 15 examples of why you’re an awful mom (just from today) and how your kids deserve better. You’re pretty sure you’re going to get fired next week, right? 

You want to grab a glass of pinot, but can’t even muster getting off the couch. So you turn on Netflix, grab your phone, and start to scroll social media while half-ignoring your show for the next 3 hours.

You're tired, drowning, and burned out.

You see, it’s not your fault.

No one was passing out ‘How to Mom’ pamphlets at the hospital when you gave birth. Even if there was one, there certainly isn’t an ADHD edition of the instructions for motherhood.

How are you supposed to know how to be a good mom when you’re overwhelmed by your own mind?

There are too many of us struggling with our ADHD, and wishing there was an answer on how to get it all together without pretending to be someone we’re not.

Imagine this:

  • You showed up for your kid’s dentist appointment today ON TIME

  • Dinner is prepped by 5 PM

  • You paid the phone bill you’d promised your partner you’d do weeks ago

  • There’s no Mount Laundry overtaking the floor by your bed, and

  • You took a 15-minute walk by yourself this afternoon

WTH! - If you did even one of those things today, you'd be thrilled, right?


There are other moms with ADHD getting their days together and you can, too.

That's why I created Time Management for ADHD Moms, an 11-week program where you’ll create a flexible framework for your day so that you go from Whack-a-mole problem solving to knowing exactly what you want to get done today and how you’re going to do it. 

And we’re accounting for our ADHD minds every step of the way.

You'll learn how to:

  • Zero in on your motivation so you're no longer dreading the morning

  • Understand why your ADHD brain craves flexible structure to move from reactive overwhelm to purposefully proactive

  • Start your day with a morning routine that gets you out of the house on time without swearing at your teenager

  • Build a bedtime routine that gets your kids peacefully in bed without "Medusa Mom" biting your preschooler's head off

  • Make space in your day for the good stuff: an afternoon set aside for your (new) hobby, floor time with your toddler, or a date with your partner

No matter if your kids are 10 months or 10 years or 10th grade, you can create a plan for your day that is fluid enough for your ADHD brain to stick with, but structured enough to feel like you're in control. Remember, our rhythms and routines serve us, not the other way around.

Inside Time Management Mastery, you will create a flexible framework for your day and walk away with a community of moms who understand you, are cheering you on, and say "I'm right here with you!"  Because being a mom is hard!

With your daily load lightened, you’ll be able to communicate with your family when and how you expect their help, creating less conflict, stress, and yelling. You’ll be prepared ahead of time for birthday parties, holiday cards, and taekwondo tournaments (with freshly cleaned uniforms.)


Design your daily rhythm with a unique understanding of your ADHD brain.

Watch this short video for the how:


What will I find in Time Management Mastery for ADHD Moms?


  • Stop spinning in circles! You’ll know what to do so you can get started when you feel overwhelmed

  • Change your track record and build your confidence. You can do hard things. You can change old habits. You can be happier.

  • Learn to trust yourself and your decisions because you know what works for you and your unique brain


  • Have space in your day for playing a game with your kids without fretting about your to-do list

  • Enjoy bedtime: “Medusa Mom” stays tucked away, so you can enjoy a bedtime story with your kids

  • Exit the house in the morning with everyone in a decent mood, without screeching “I said, Get in the car!!! Where is your shoe???”


  • End Mount Laundry: make a laundry plan and stick to it

  • Know what's for dinner before 5 pm and have the ingredients in your house

  • Make space in your day for picking up that hobby you haven’t touched in a while, or a completely new hobby ;)

What ADHD mamas are saying about Time Management Mastery for ADHD Moms:

Time Management Mastery for ADHD Moms class offers:

real help

  • Short 5-10 minute videos with captions so you can watch in the corner of your kid’s dark room

  • Advice that is realistic for busy moms to do in the crevices of your day

  • Strategies proven to fit even the most anti-structure ADHD moms

tools + skills

  • Gain deep insight into how your ADHD mind works

  • Straight forward learning with clear instructions

  • Reclaim your time by knowing what to do next

  • A framework that you can modify as your kids grow, you drop naps, and add extra-curricular activities

Fit For All seasons

  • Watch the short, pre-recorded videos anytime

  • Fits all seasons of motherhood, whether you have babies, big kids, or both

  • Lifetime access to support & the program materials

  • Works for SAHMs, WAHMs, working out of the home moms, student moms, moms on maternity leave, and mompreneurs. All.the.moms.

This is also about your family, mama.

There’s a pretty good chance that if you have ADHD, so does one of your children. The skills you are learning in this program are tools you can teach your children: how to plan your day, organize, prioritize, zone in on motivation, transitions. 

Our kids need these life skills, too. And now you can teach your children these skills because you have them all at your disposal, in language that makes sense to you. 

We’re changing generations, mama. Not only do these skills help you, but you’re going to turn around and teach your kids the skills they need to be successful adults, too.


Patricia with her family


Hey there, I’m Patricia Sung.

Throwback! 2014 Patricia looking “teacher-y” in her Middle School classroom

I’m sharing with you what has worked for me, and hundreds of other ADHD brains, to bring confidence and joy into how you run your day. As a certified teacher, I have years of experience with thousands of different brains. I can show you how to create a routine for your day that makes your life easier, simpler, happier, and less stressed. 

How do I know this? 

Because I taught ... (gasp!) ... Middle School!

And if I can get 12-year-old ADHD brains to keep up with routines, I can help you do it, too.  You, sweet mama, are not a lost cause! I’m sure of it.

I'm not here just talking the talk; I walk the walk. For the last 11 years I've moved between being a stay at home, a working mom, a work from home mom, and a mompreneur.

When I had kids is when the crap really hit the fan. I needed help and I needed it yesterday. Yet I was frustrated that no matter how many productivity experts I listened to, I couldn’t get their systems to work. 

So I did what ADHD brains do…

I came up with my own system that worked for me. Then I taught a few friends, then some more moms. The flexible structure that I created, not only worked for me, but many other ADHD Moms, as well.

No matter what stage of life you're in, this program will help you create the framework you want and need for your day to run smoothly.

There is help out here to guide you and get you on your feet when you're worn out and lost.

Our ADHD affects every single area of our lives. When we treat our ADHD well, we see the benefits in every area - our home, family, work, spouse, friendships, and our little ones. The grace and forgiveness we learn to extend to ourselves shows up in all of our other relationships as well.

Let's figure out how you can live well WITH your ADHD, not in spite of it.

Time Management Mastery for ADHD Moms class offers:

  • Daily and weekly routines that are doable by moms who have ADHD

  • Get your house (mostly) together! Get your life (mostly) together! Get your chaos (mostly) together!

  • Feel like you know what you’re doing! (Cuz you do.)

  • Easy to understand info explained by an ADHD brain for your ADHD brain

  • Short videos fit for ADHD attention spans (most videos are under 5 minutes, 10 mins tops)

  • Closed captions on the videos, plus transcripts if you prefer reading over watching (Accessibility + Adult ADHD accommodations FTW)

  • Answers to all your burning questions:

    • What is the framework for a successful daily routine for ADHD?

    • Where do I start when I feel overwhelmed by life?

    • How do I build a system that’s not suffocating?

    • How does my routine spotlight and serve the fun & beauty in my life?

    • How do I adjust my plan when life/kids/emergencies happen?

    • What habits should I tackle first?

    • What’s motivating me to actually stick with my routine?

    • How do I prepare for when —not if— my ADHD brains get off track?

  • What this class is NOT: This is not a calendar + to-do list class. Those topics are covered in Daily Planning for ADHD Moms, which you can bundle with this class for a sweet deal at checkout.

Timeline to get your crap together:

This is a self-paced course, so go on your timeline.

If you want to get this done ASAP, preferably yesterday, you can watch the “Speed Schedule” lesson and have your whole schedule outlined in an hour or two.

If you want to take your time, and absorb all the nuggets about how ADHD brains work, here’s a suggested timeline that allows space for life’s hiccups:

Each week, I’ll send you a set of short video lessons for this week’s module. It also comes with transcripts and a private podcast. Watch, read, or listen to them at your own pace when your life permits.

If you’re not a DIY kind of mom, then you can add the live Group ADHD Coaching for support.


You can get your life in order with Time Management Mastery for ADHD Moms for $397 USD.

We’re rewriting your shame story into a success story. You are worthy of this, my dear.

You matter. You are valuable.

This is for you. This is for your family. We’re changing generations, Mama. Not only do these skills help you, but you’re going to turn around and teach your kids the skills they need to be successful adults, too.

We’re changing generations, Mama. You and me. Together.

Frequently Asked Questions:

I’ve got A’s for your Q’s…

  • A: All are welcome, mama! We are happy to have anyone who is a mom, and suspects/knows/is confused about their ADHD. Many of the moms in our student community do not have an official diagnosis. There are mamas who are in their 20s through their 70s.

    My system was created to fit both ADHD and the overwhelmingly heavy load moms carry.

    Joining this course that was shaped by group of mamas who have brains like yours - and understand how much is on your plate - is mind-blowingly comforting.

    Plus what you learn in this class, you can turnaround and teach to your kids who have ADHD as well.

    Because a healthy, thriving mom has the capacity to lead a healthy, thriving family.

  • A: I tried a whole bunch of ways that failed, too, so I get that worry. Hindsight is 20/20: Now I know that all those ways taught me what does not work for my brain.

    I've sifted through aaaaaaall that expert info and I'm presenting you with only the good stuff…the stuff that makes sense for moms and for ADHD. You aren't starting front scratch with me here.

    I've hand crafted and am giving you a system that fits ADHD brains. Because when you use something that was hand crafted by ADHD for ADHD, it's fits like a glove!

  • A: I created everything to be ADHD friendly: short videos, audio options, transcripts, and multiple learning styles. Something for everyone.

    And if you’re not a DIY kind of mama, you can always check out my coaching for a more hands-on approach.

  • A: Sometimes we don't have funds for something. I get it. If you would like to be in this program soon, get creative! Use that awesome brain of yours to problem solve and save up for the program. You’ll figure out how to save up the money for what matters most to you: Your happiness. Your family. Your relationships.

    Straight up: How can you afford not to? What is the cost of pissing off your spouse again? Or yelling at your kids at bedtime every night this week? Or feeling like a crap human for another 3 months when you could have been changing how you feel about yourself?

    We often doubt ourselves because we have wasted money in the past on things we didn't use or it wasn't a right fit. I get it. It's scary. I have zero doubts that you're going to come out of this class an improved mama.

    Honestly, what would I have paid to have someone hand this to me instead of having to figure it all out myself? A bazillion dollars.

    Because living with my routines gives my kids a better mom. Less hassle, less heartache, less frustration… Worth eleventy billion dollars!

    Practically speaking: I put my money where my mouth is. I have no doubt that you’ll come out a better person, mom, and partner after this program. Should you realize that it's not a good fit for you, all you have to do is email me at hello@ patriciasung.com within 7 days of your purchase and ask for a refund. I’ll refund your money within 2-5 business days.

    And let’s be honest here: when you have a handle on your day, you will save yourself a ton of money. You’ll save on late fees, food you bought but never made, missed appointment fees, late minute expensive purchases and duplicates of what you already have, etc. You can save up for it here by buying gift certificates until you have what you need.

  • A: The program runs for abut two months: The lessons are pre-recorded videos that you can watch when it fits your schedule - listen in the car, or while you’re folding laundry.

    If you need more time because momlife happens, you can take a little time off and then jump back in. I have included buffer time for life happening.

    You have lifetime access.

  • A: One of the first things we do in this class is identify our motivation, because when we're into something, we dive in deep!

    Once you know what that motivation is for YOU, you'll be far more motivated to stick with your plan. Because tangible personal goals matter to us, not what other people told us we should do!

    When we identify that special sauce, we can fall back on our motivation when we start to wander off.

    Because we'll always wander off.

    The good thing is once you know the plan, it's a whole lot easier to get back on track. We can't get back on track if we've never been on track in the first place, amirite!?!

My promise to you

This program will change your life. This community of ADHD women will pick you up when you’re down. You will know more about yourself, and how to treat yourself with grace and forgiveness. You will better understand how your ADHD brain works, and how to build your family up while taking into account your ADHD.

I guarantee the work I create and teach.

If you don’t feel like you’ve learned more about your ADHD and how to get your day together after watching your video modules, I will refund your money within 2-5 business days. Simply email me at hello @patriciasung.com within 7 days of your purchase and ask for a refund. It’s a risk-free trial, so let’s go! It’s time for your life to fit your ADHD.

Patricia and her 2 boys, 2020