Self Regulation, Executive Function and ADHD #73

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Do you often tell yourself you're a failure? Do you have trouble making friends or reading social cues? Do you view yourself with an overcritical eye, feeling like you keep screwing up over and over? Is pausing, stopping yourself, or assessing the situation a rare occurrence?

I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. Our Self Regulation discussion includes reflection, impairment, sensory overload, fear, frustration, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, friendships, dopamine, CBT, celebrating our wins, self criticism, and Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria. The whole enchilada. Let's learn about our ADHD brains.


Episode 37 on Letting Go of Thoughts

Dr Russell Barkley’s article on Self-Regulation

Dr. Thomas Brown’s book Attention Deficit Disorder

Dr. Ellen Littman’s article on Cravings, Addiction and ADHD Brains

Free resource from Patricia: Managing ADHD Beyond Medicine

The Disorganized Mom’s Guide to a Peaceful Morning: Patricia’s free how-to video series to bring calm to your mornings in 5 steps