1 Million Downloads! Let's Celebrate! #232



The Motherhood in ADHD Podcast hit 1 million downloads!!!

And it’s all because of you!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

It’s because of you that we’ve made it this far :) 

And it goes to show HOW MANY OF US ADHD MOMS there are in the world.

You’re not alone, clearly!

I’ve been dreaming up how to celebrate with you for moooooonths and now it’s happening!!!

You’re invited to a live recording of the podcast!

Come join me on July 30th at 11 AM - Noon Eastern / 8 - 9 AM Pacific to record an episode for next month. 

Get the link to the Zoom here: patriciasung.com/million

Ask me anything you want!  I’ll answer as many of your questions as I can in one hour.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH I can’t wait to hang out!

Links mentioned in this episode:


Patricia Sung  00:02

Are you overwhelmed by motherhood and barely keeping your head above water? Are you confused and frustrated by how all the other moms make it look so easy. You can figure out how to manage the chaos in your mind, your home, or your family. I get your mama, parenting with ADHD is hard. Here is your permission slip to let go of the Pinterest worthy visions of organization and structure fit for everyone else. Let's do life like our brains do life creatively, lovingly, and with all our might. When we embrace who we are and how our brains work, we can figure out how to live our lives successfully, and in turn, lead our families well, at the end of the day, we just want to be good moms. but spoiler alert, you are already a great mom. ADHD does not mean you're doomed to be a hot mess. Mama, you can rewrite your story from shame spiral to success story. And I'll be right here beside you to cheer you on. Welcome to Motherhood in ADHD.

Patricia Sung  01:11

Hey their successful mama, it's your friend Patricia Sung. And can you believe it? The Motherhood inADHD podcast hit 1 million downloads this week. 1 million what million? I can't imagine a million of anything, let alone have y'all. You mama listening to this podcast, I think back to when I first started. And it'd be like 26 people downloaded this episode. And I'm like, Well, I'm really excited. 26 people are here. But I want to help more than 26 people but also 26 people listen to me. And I'd take screenshots of every milestone of 10,000 downloads of 50 have 100,000 downloads, 250,000 downloads, and I remember thinking like, Wow, is it possible that I could get to a million a million downloads like that sounds like so many is it even possible?

 Patricia Sung  01:57

Especially given that when I first started, I got some advice from a very wonderful podcaster, who is very experienced. And she said to me, you know, Patricia, I think that this is like a little too niche. I think you should widen your audience because this isn't going to help enough people. There's not enough people here to make a difference. And she encouraged me to change it to like women in ADHD or just moms. And I stuck to what I believed in, because I knew it wasn't just a few of us. And I knew we weren't alone. And I knew it wasn't just me that needed the support. And I still remember the day that the podcast hit top five in parenting in the US. And I was like, I was shocked because I have it in my mind that it would never be enough people. I didn't think it was possible to ever do that.

 Patricia Sung  02:43

I literally like put it out of my mind. Like it's never going to be at the top of the charts. And I was like that's okay, because I'm not here to be the chart chopper. I'm here to help the people that I'm here to help. But to know that like we are here, we do need help. We are a big contingent, a million downloads a million downloads. I don't know how many people that is. But I know it's in the 1000s. Maybe it's in the hundreds of 1000s. I don't know. But there's a lot of us. And we're not alone. So how are we going to celebrate? I've been trying to think about it because I'm like, as we finally hit like probably about 850,000 downloads, I was like, Okay, this is doable. I can get to a million this is this is possible. And I want to celebrate. So I'm not very good at celebrating and probably this theme runs through with many of us, like when we have EHD it's like when I get to a goal.

 Patricia Sung  03:29

I just check it off and like yep, okay, done moving along. What's the next thing and I didn't want to do that here like, I want to celebrate this milestone. So one, for myself, I ordered a custom piece of artwork from an awesome artist here in Texas named Aaron Harris. It is a sound wave of the podcast. And if you ever see the Zoom clips, I'm going to hang it behind my desk to be able to see it there. That is the celebration piece that I will look at every day when I hang it up. I haven't signed up yet. But when I hang it up, that will be the celebration piece to remind myself that like when I knew that God asked me to create this podcast, I literally thought he had lost his ever loving mind. And I was like no, thank you.

 Patricia Sung  04:11

I don't I don't wanna do that. No, no, no, no, no, no, I am not. I'm not No, no, thank you. I don't wanna put my problems on the internet. I don't even know how to podcast. I don’t really even listen to podcasts like, what are we doing here? But I listened and I stuck with it and it's been five years of here I am sitting in my closet using the kids the little like the bathmat next to the tub, the kneeler thing as my seat because this room has the best acoustics and drowns out the most noise. And to think that from my comfy clothes on the floor of my closet is where I get to help 1000s of moms know that you are not alone. You're there's nothing wrong with you you're not broken, that there is hope that we can really live wonderful lives when we create them and build them to fit what we need in our families and that it's possible. So I'm just so excited. So here's what we're gonna do to celebrate. I've been asking around for opinion

 Patricia Sung  05:00

ins and outs, this is my favorite shout out to Meggie, thank you for the idea. I want to invite you to a live recording of the podcast. We're going to hang out on July 30, we're going to do a recording, you can come ask me whatever you want, I will answer as many questions as I can in an hour. And we're going to hang out together and we're going to celebrate and it's going to be awesome. I'm so excited to see you to talk to you ,to hang out. So you are invited to this live podcast recording, I want to hang out. So what you're gonna do is go to my website, put patriciasung.com/million. And then that way, I can send you the Zoom link and tell you where to go. I cannot wait. I'm so excited.

 Patricia Sung  05:40

Like, I just want to say thank you. I also want to say thank you to my team, how much they support me, everyone who's helped along the way from all the people who were here for a season but no longer here are the people who are still here with me to my family and my friends who supported me. Oh my gosh, I feel like I'm like accepting an Oscar or something. This is good. It's gonna get any little trophy or something. Yeah, but I just know that like, this isn't just my accomplishment. It's all the people around me. It's each one of the people who have ever listened to see this matters. Thank you. I think back to like, shy really quiet Patricia back in like middle school in high school like today understand why I was different and why I was always so quiet because I was afraid to speak in here. I am talking to people a million times a million times people listened to me. What? From the girl that thought her words weren't valuable enough to say them out loud. And there's still times where I doubt it.

 Patricia Sung  06:36

And there's still times where I worry that I messed up or he did something wrong. But thank you, thank you for being here. Thank you for listening. Thank you for encouraging me I so appreciate it. And I want you to know that when you think that your words aren't valuable enough, or what you're doing doesn't valuable enough. That doesn't matter so much. And you don't even know half the people who are affected by it. But you matter your words matter. So keep going on. So coming out with me July 30th, go to patriciasung.com/million, get the Zoom link, bring your questions, and I will see you there to celebrate Have a wonderful day successful mama and I will talk to you soon on Zoom.

 Patricia Sung  07:19

For more resources, classes and community head over to my website, motherhoodinadhd.com.